Two decades of European Foreign Aid in Chile: an association for the Development


  • Beatriz Hernández Universidad Diego Portales
  • Pierre Lebret Bouchard de la Poterie


This paper analyzes the evolution of EU development cooperation since the early 1990s in Chile because it represents a successful and advanced type of cooperation partnership. This association is explained by Chilean political and economic changes, resulting in the signing of an Association Agreement (AA) in 2002. As a political instrument, cooperation in Chile traditionally has focused on institutional strengthening capacity and poverty reduction, thus helping the country to foster economic development and to deepen international engagements. Recently, EU official assistance (OA) has prioritized social cohesion projects, reflecting the European development strategy. We conclude that the European Foreign Aid has been an influence on the institutional strengthening and public policies that responds to inequality challenges and social participation and the promotion of South-South and Triangular cooperation that complements the horizontal one.


Chile, European Union, Foreign Aid, Social Cohesion, South-South Cooperation