Why innovation in the public sector?


  • Jaime Ernesto Gutiérrez Murillo Escuela Iberoamericana de Innovación Política, INNOPOLÍTICA
  • Luis Eduardo Gutiérrez Rojas Escuela Iberoamericana de Innovación Política, INNOPOLÍTICA


This article is a reflection about the importance of implementation, adop¬tion and diffusion of public sector innovations. This is made based on the conjunction and dialogue of administrative and public administration specialized literature. The main hypothesis is, that innovation is an inevi¬table practice to generate public value, from a strategic point of view, and that way, improve democratic legitimacy, from a political perspective, in public sector organizations. The reflection is framed in governance and new public management approaches, as the new paradigms for public sector organizations.


Public innovation, public administration, governance, new public management, democratic legitimacy


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